World Health Organization (WHO) Reports Declining Tobacco Use in 150 Countries: Progress Towards Global Targets by 2025

World Health Organization (WHO) Reports Declining Tobacco Use in 150 Countries: Progress Towards Global Targets by 2025

In comparison to 2000, 1 in 5 persons worldwide now smoke less, according to the World Health Organization's 2022 tobacco trends report. Through MPOWER initiatives, 150 nations—including Brazil and the Netherlands—are effectively lowering tobacco consumption rates.

According to the World Health Organization's 2023 Results Report, tobacco use is declining in 150 countries, 56 of which are on pace to meet their 2025 objective.

“Good progress has been made in tobacco control in recent years, but there is no time for complacency. I’m astounded at the depths the tobacco industry will go to pursue profits at the expense of countless lives. We see that the minute a government thinks they have won the fight against tobacco the tobacco industry seizes the opportunity to manipulate health policies and sell their deadly products," says Dr Ruediger Krech, Director of WHO Department of Health Promotion.

Countries are urged by the World Health Organization (WHO) to enact tobacco control laws and resist influence from the tobacco industry. With a tobacco usage percentage of 26.5%, the WHO South-East Asian Region presently leads the world in tobacco use. By 2030, however, the European Region is expected to have the highest rates worldwide, at slightly over 23%. By 2025, the WHO wants to see a 25% relative decrease in tobacco usage; just 56 countries will be able to accomplish this. World No Tobacco Day is set aside by the WHO to safeguard youngsters against the influence of the tobacco industry. Panama will host the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Conference of Parties the following month.

In spite of increased worldwide humanitarian health needs brought on by conflict, climate change, and disease outbreaks, the organization released the report in advance of the 77th World Health Assembly, which will take place from May 27 to June 1.