Senate passes third reading of P100 wage rise measure.

Senate passes third reading of P100 wage rise measure.

With 20 votes in favor, 0 against, and 0 abstentions, the Senate passed a bill raising the daily minimum wage for private sector employees by P100. This bill will impact around 4.2 million workers countrywide.

The chair of the Senate labor committee, Sen. Jinggoy Estrada, stated, "Let it be said that this august chamber is responsive to the needs of our kababayan, especially on the back of rising cost of living and soaring prices of basic commodities." The bill increases the minimum wage for all private sector workers in the nation, regardless of whether they work in agriculture or not.

A P100 daily salary rise for workers has been approved by the Philippine Senate, the first time a pay raise has been enacted nationally since the 1989 salary Rationalization Act. Senators such as Juan Miguel Zubiri contend that the vigor of the workforce is essential to a thriving economy, despite objections from the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (Ecop).

The combined efforts of the Senate will boost regional economies and guarantee that individuals have more money to cover their essential expenses. Though the Senate hopes to achieve a "living wage," the salary rise falls well short of that goal, and more talks about passing legislation establishing a "living wage" and enhancing workers' negotiating power are necessary.

“The approval on third and final reading of the P100-minimum wage increase in the private sector reflects our commitment to the economic well-being of our workforce. As we recognize the challenges they face, this wage adjustment is a crucial step toward fostering more equitable and supportive work environment,” said Sen. Sherwin Gatchalian.

Via Inquirer