Mayon is spewing white smoke, alerting Albay.

Mayon is spewing white smoke, alerting Albay.

The Albay Public Safety and Emergency Management Office has stated that, in the opinion of Albay Governor Grex Lagman, there is now no reason for alarm regarding the initial event.

"I have talked with our APSEMO head Dr. Cedric Daep. He reported to me that it's just white steam. No cause for concern. Same assessment by Phivolcs," he said.

Later, Phivolcs reported that at 4:40 p.m., there was a phreatic eruption from the summit of the Mayon Volcano. and, according to the seismic record, lasted for four minutes and nine seconds.

"The event generated a booming sound, rockfall, pyroclastic density currents or PDC and a 1,200 meter-tall plume that drifted to the southwest," the agency added.

Ashfall is possible in the towns of Daraga, Albay, Camalig, and Guinobatan, according to Dr. Paul Alanis, the resident volcanologist of Phivolcs.

According to Phivolcs, this incident should be anticipated as Mayon is presently on Alert Level 2.