Teodoro gets ready for the La Niña

Teodoro gets ready for the La Niña

Under Task Force El Niño, Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. has organized all departments to get ready for the La Niña phenomena, which is predicted to emerge in June and August.

"As El Niño diminishes in its intensity, we must now start preparing for the arrival of La Niña, which is expected to bring above normal rainfall in the country," he said. "Let's work to mitigate and minimize the damage it can cause to lives and properties. Let us do our best, as the task force has always been doing."

A spokesperson for Task Force El Niño (TFEN), Joey Villarama, cautions that although El Niño is lessening, the final few weeks of May are crucial for conserving food, energy, and water.

Under the direction of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the new task force will create a thorough strategy for rehabilitation and disaster preparedness for El Niño and La Niña, offering comprehensive, organized interventions to lessen the devastation caused by these natural disasters and assist the population in coping.