Pope Francis appeals for religious freedom for Chinese Catholics.

Pope Francis appeals for religious freedom for Chinese Catholics.

Pope Francis called for religious freedom for Catholics in China, a religious minority that has historically experienced harassment and persecution in the communist country, sparking tensions between the Vatican and Beijing.

During his weekly audience, Francis asked for prayers that the Gospel "be preached in all its fullness, beauty, and (in) freedom... for the good of the Catholic Church and all Chinese society."

Recalling that May 24 was a World Day of Prayer for the Church in China, the pontiff expressed his solidarity with "our brothers and sisters in China" and extended "special thoughts to all those who suffer, pastors and the faithful."

The Chinese constitution declares religious freedom, but the officially atheist ruling Communist Party maintains strict control over religious activity.

For decades, relations between the Vatican and Communist China have been strained, but in 2018, the two parties negotiated a historic and contentious agreement on the appointment of Roman Catholic bishops in China.

The agreement sought to bridge a long-standing schism in mainland China between an underground flock loyal to the pope and a state-backed official church. For the first time since the 1950s, all parties acknowledged the pope as the Catholic Church's ultimate authority.

Critics argue that the preliminary and secret agreement amounts to Vatican appeasement of China's authoritarian regime and has not significantly improved the plight of Catholics in the country.

The Vatican said last month that Chinese authorities had named a new bishop to Shanghai unilaterally, in apparent breach of the bilateral agreement between the two countries, which was last extended in October.