L.G.B.T has the Right to Work

L.G.B.T. community has been discriminated in a lot of ways. In-office, public toilet or just ordering food. They just want to be accepted for who they are. Countless reports were filed to the court. One of these was being fired because they were gay.

L.G.B.T has the Right to Work
Photo by carrier_lost on unsplash

Even in the past decades, the L.G.B.T. community has been discriminated in a lot of ways. In-office, Public toilet or just ordering food. They just want to be accepted for who they are. Countless reports were filed to the court. One of these was being fired because they were gay. Can you imagine that? Being gay will not affect the office. If you’re not doing a great job in your work you’ll surely get fired. Being gay is like a big deal right? It is 2020 and was still not accepting the fact that there is another gender. This is heartbreaking but this is the reality. The good news is Washington Supreme Court ruled on Monday. Finally, the civil rights law has been approved to protect LGBT workers from workplace discrimination. This was been one of the best news to be heard since were facing this pandemic everyone needs a job and if they were fired just being gay. Where’s the humanity? Right?

“An employer who fires an individual merely for being gay or transgender defies the law,” Justice Neil M. Gorsuch wrote for the majority in the 6-to-3 ruling. It is true being gay is not a crime. They are just being human wanted to be accepted. That is why it confused me why being gay is a big deal not just in the office but also in other communities. They are also humans like us.

“This is a simple and profound victory for L.G.B.T. civil rights,” said Suzanne B. Goldberg, a law professor at Columbia. “Many of us feared that the court was poised to gut sex discrimination protections and allow employers to discriminate based on sexual orientation and gender identity, yet it declined the federal government’s invitation to take that damaging path.” It is indeed to be celebrated by the LGBT community for the past decades they were hunger for acceptance of the community. Being accepted was a relief to every L.G.B.T. in these simple steps well its big steps this ensure that every L.G.B.T. will be accepted not just here in the US but hopefully worldwide. Discriminating is indeed a big deal but having a law helps us to accept and protect one of us.