Fake news and Online Scams are doubled to triple since quarantine started.

Fake news and Online Scams are doubled to triple since quarantine started.
Photo by bermixstudio on unsplash

Online scams and fake news double or triple everywhere here in the Philippines since the quarantine started. Every one of us is on our phones some of as whenever what we see online we believe in it. We think it is real. It is still better to watch the news on television but that is not the case. Most of us stick with our phones and we don’t criticize it that is why we are a victim of scams and fake news.

“Based on law enforcement authorities’ records from March-June 2020, the top three most crimes in the Philippines were phishing, online selling scam, and proliferation of misinformation that cause confusion to everyone,” said Justice Undersecretary Markk Perete, who leads the DOJ’s anti-cybercrime office.

“As of the latest count, in absolute numbers, there are more cases of phishing, online scams and fake news [punishable] under the bayanihan law than cases of [online sexual abuse of children],” Perete said.

While phishing and online scams are punishable under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (Republic Act  No. 10175), the alleged spreading of misinformation about a pandemic is penalized under the Bayanihan to heal as one act.

As more and more people are on their phones it is better before you post anything to have research first. People nowadays just share things without even checking if it is legit or not. It is better if you share memes in that way whoever visits your wall will leave a smile. To lessen online scams have research to that person have a screenshot of their id so if they are a scammer you’ll report it easily but please have research.