Don't trust the Dutertes, cautions Marcos, according to former Davao hitman Lascañas.

Don't trust the Dutertes, cautions Marcos, according to former Davao hitman Lascañas.

Former President Rodrigo Duterte has cautioned President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. not to put his trust in Vice President Sara "Tambaloslos" Duterte or the "monster from Davao," Rodrigo Roa Duterte. Retired police officer and former member of the Davao Death Squad Arturo Lascañas stressed the need for caution and not to trust the local monsters.

"Mga traydor po itong mga ito at hinahamon ko sila palagi," added the self-confessed hitman Lascañas. In the event that they are brought before the International Criminal Court, they will be tried in Davao City.

Days had passed since Duterte and Marcos engaged in a verbal sparring match in which the latter claimed that the outgoing president was a drug user before Lascañas' press conference. Marcos stormed back, accusing Duterte of abusing the highly addictive drug fentanyl, which is why his predecessor behaved erratically.

Lascañas made his first public appearance on Wednesday, many years after disclosing Dutertes' purported complicity in drug-related murders.

Lascañas testified against Duterte and his purported murder squad in exchange for a limited immunity agreement given by the ICC Office of the Prosecutor in 2021. The ex-police officer had previously admitted to carrying out the murders and cover-ups on Duterte's personal orders or through directives sent through the former president's aides.

The ICC is continuing looking into the deaths that occurred during Duterte's time as president and during his brutal drug campaign in Davao City. Many are waiting to see what the ICC will do next—whether to order Duterte's arrest or to summon him. Subsequent to the denial of the Philippine government's appeal by the ICC appeals panel in 2023.

Via Rappler