Celebrating Earth day at our own home

Earth Day isn’t exactly the same when we have to deal with a lockdown. How can we explore and appreciate the Earth if we are all quarantined? The challenge for this year’s Earth Day is that we need to find ways to celebrate earth at our own home.

Celebrating Earth day at our own home
Photo by Esther Tuttle on Unsplash

Coronavirus doesn't allow us to mingle with each other and explore 2020. Earth Day isn’t exactly the same when we have to deal with a lockdown. How can we explore and appreciate the Earth if we are all quarantined? The challenge for this year’s Earth Day is that we need to find ways to celebrate earth at our own home.

Celebrating earth day globally goes back to 1990 where more than 140 countries had given attention to the environmental issues and turned it into an international movement. Usually, we celebrate earth day by planting trees with your local community, picking up trash by the beaches, and other group activities that you could do with your community to help replenish mother earth.

Now that it’s basically illegal to hold public events and gatherings, this year’s Earth Day is only limited to individual activities or activities you can do with your family at most. If you still do not have an idea on how you could save mother earth today, we have come across some of the tips and tricks you can do this earth day.

Walk or Run

It seems impossible but you can do it at your own lawn or around your neighborhood. Bring your phone and play music or a podcast, walk with you dog to make things a bit more entertaining.  Don’t forget to observe proper social distancing though. You also do not need to go too far from your home and wear a mask for your own safety. Walking and running are good for your health because being quarantined for quite some time may be ‘immobilizing’ that could lead to our body craving for some exercise. Also, don’t forget to pick up some trash along the way if you see one!


Having a small garden in your home is a big help for our planet. Instead of throwing the seeds of your fruit and veggie snacks, why not collect and plant it again? This would be of great help to the mother earth, plus you get to have free fresh produce, win-win situation, right? Don’t worry if you haven’t got a lot of experience in planting, the internet has A LOT of tricks when it comes to planting, because if you haven’t noticed yet, more people are really into gardening these days.

Virtual Earth day Activities

If exercising or getting dirty isn’t for you, you might want to watch movies related to earth day like Lorax which us one of our favorites. Watch discovery channel read some related books with your family and share your thoughts about it. Furthermore, you could dedicate and hour for mother earth by turning off all the electrical lights in your home and resorting to battery powered light or traditional lamps. Spend some time with your family while doing so!

As long as you keep on being creative and imaginative, this pandemic won’t stop you from celebrating earth day (following proper guidelines, of course). Amidst the pandemic, let’s help everyone heal at these trial times, and that includes our mother earth