Australian student detained in North Korea safely returns home

Alek Sigley, 29 year old Australian student studying a master’s degree in Korean literature at King Il Sung University, in North Korea, went missing for more than one week. Days later, a news broke out last July 4, that he has already been released from detention in North Korea.

Australian student detained in North Korea safely returns home

Alek Sigley, 29 year old Australian student studying a master’s degree in Korean literature at King Il Sung University, in North Korea, went missing for more than one week. Days later, a news broke out last July 4, that he has already been released from detention in North Korea.

Sigley was living and studying in Pyongyang where he disappeared without a trace around June 23. He ran a number of social media sites, usually containing neutral content about his everyday life in one of the world’s most secretive nations.

The case became a little complicated because Australia lacks diplomatic representation in North Korea. Australia’s transactions and interests there are represented by Sweden instead. The country also doesn’t have an embassy in North Korea.

Swedish special envoy Kent Harstedt travelled to Pyongyang to raise Sigley’s case with the North Korean government on its behalf.

Sigley released a statement pleading for privacy, saying he wants to return to his “normal life”.
