A mother sees his son struggle and in tears on learning his lessons on virtual learning.

A mother sees his son struggle and in tears on learning his lessons on virtual learning.
Photo by thomascpark on unsplash

Virtual learning is already started around the globe. Everyone is struggling for this setup teachers, parents, and students. Kids need to learn but when you are young it is better that teachers teach you hands-on, mingle with friends, and explore it is the best way to learn for kids but it is not the case anymore. We have no choice but to follow for the safety of everyone. Jana Coombs saw his 5-year-old son is in tears and for his struggle on learning his lessons via virtual learning. She also felt the struggle and the pain of his son.

“I just took that picture because I wanted people to see reality," Coombs told CNN . "And then he came over and we hugged and I was crying right along with him."

"Education is essential for these children, and it's more than one plus one equals two," Coombs told CNN. "Socialization and hands-on experience is how elementary kids learn best.".

"Juggling a household, having an infant in the house, getting 5,000 emails a day from all their teachers, trying to keep up ... different apps, different codes, different platforms, some links don't work," Coombs told WXIA. "You're running from one laptop to another."

Still, she said she is thankful for is the teachers who have gone "above and beyond to make this as painless as possible."