Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested in France, Facing Charges Over Illegal Transactions and Platform Policies

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested in France, Facing Charges Over Illegal Transactions and Platform Policies

Telegram, once celebrated for championing freedom of expression and secure communication, is facing a major shift. The platform's CEO, Pavel Durov, was arrested in France last month, signaling a potential change in the company's approach. Detained and barred from leaving the country, Durov now faces charges of “enabling illegal transactions” through the platform.

His steadfast commitment to Telegram’s free speech policies, which resist restricting users, has led to additional charges for non-cooperation with authorities. This development marks a significant turning point for the platform and its future direction.

Telegram's downloads surged in support of Durov, and it soon surpassed all other social apps as the second most downloaded program in the US program Store. Other regions of the world have also seen an increase in downloads.

But it seems like Telegram is beginning to give in. First, the firm introduced a new method for reporting "illegal content." Next, Telegram covertly took down a piece of its FAQ page that stated that they did not keep an eye on user discussions.

In a notable shift, Durov has now confirmed that Telegram will begin complying with legal requests from authorities, including providing users' mobile numbers and IP addresses when required. To address concerns over illegal activities on the platform, Telegram is also implementing new AI-powered monitoring tools to detect and combat illicit content.

Additionally, a dedicated human moderation team will be introduced to review and remove problematic material. These changes mark a significant departure from Telegram’s previous stance, as the platform adapts to increasing legal pressures while balancing its commitment to privacy and free speech.