SIM Checker will debut with DICT.

SIM Checker will debut with DICT.

In order to combat cybercrime, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) has announced that "Project: SIM Check Mo" will be launched in the upcoming days.

In order to quickly validate a mobile number, users can now send a text message to the DICT hotline 1326 using this project. This process takes just 10 seconds.

Only the 11-digit mobile number SIM CHECK needs to be texted to 1326 by the user.

Once completed, they will receive a response with the SIM's and owner's partial identity and status. The SIM's registration status, the owner's first and last names, and a comment about whether the number has a positive or negative history are all included.

According to Ramos, the three-month extension of the SIM registration is a "very long and dangerous time that can be taken advantage of by scammers to continue all sorts of scheming to swindle unsuspecting individuals."

“Cybercrime prevention is a three-way shared responsibility between the telcos and the consumers-subscribers. The government acts as the supervising-cyber security to ensure that the public enjoys a safe cyberspace,” said Norma Ancheta, OIC of the Inter-Agency Response Center that’s behind the DICT hotline.

The DICT Executive Director stressed the need for the feature's immediate launch to prevent scammers and ensure a safe cyberspace. Privacy requirements are being ironed out by the National Privacy Commission and the CICC.