PH is the seventh-most stable country in the SEA for internet access.

PH is the seventh-most stable country in the SEA for internet access.

We are so stressed out because we all thought that our internet sucks but unfortunately we belong to the top 10 most stable internet in Southeast Asia.

The Philippines was included as number 7 on the list, according to the IRI study created by Internet Society, a global internet advocacy organization, with a score of 46%.

The index evaluated the availability of internet infrastructure, networks' capacity to deliver services, service providers' capacity to provide stable connections, and the cost of internet transactions across 170 nations.

“A resilient internet connection is one that maintains an acceptable level of service in the face of faults and challenges to normal operation and is an increasing focus for policymakers and activists worldwide as Internet infrastructure becomes essential for a nation’s economy and society,” Internet Society said.

The top five countries in the area are Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. The Philippines' mobile sector scored 29%, behind fixed network performance of 76 percent. Due to widespread adoption, the advocacy group sees a chance to enhance mobile connectivity.