New Study Reveals Gaming Preferences: Younger Players Favor Online PvP, Older Gamers Stick to Single-Player

A new study reveals that 53% of gamers prefer single-player games, with the preference increasing among older age groups starting at age 25. Meanwhile, younger gamers gravitate more towards multiplayer experiences.

The study, conducted by MIDiA Research, analyzed gaming preferences across various age groups, highlighting generational differences in gaming habits. The findings show that while single-player titles remain the most popular overall, the divide between solo and multiplayer gaming is largely driven by age, reflecting evolving tastes in the gaming community.
The study's games were divided into four categories, as seen in the graph: PvE, couch co-op, online PvP, and single-player. Online PvP prevailed in the first two age groups, which is hardly surprising considering how well-liked games like Fortnite are.
As gamers age past 25, single-player titles become the clear favorite, with the gap between single-player and PvP preferences widening even more among older age groups. This shift highlights how gaming preferences evolve over time, with younger gamers gravitating toward multiplayer competition while older players seek out solo experiences.
The study, conducted between 2023 and 2024, surveyed gamers across a diverse range of countries, including the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Poland, Turkey, and South Africa. The global data offers valuable insights into the gaming habits of different generations, signaling that single-player experiences continue to dominate as gamers age.