Here’s how to Prevent Destabilizing DDoS Tsunami Attacks

Here’s how to  Prevent Destabilizing DDoS Tsunami Attacks

It's a chaotic time for cyber security. The industry is being disrupted by a new wave of HTTPS DDoS attacks that avoid DDoS mitigation and WAF solutions used by businesses.

According to our in-depth threat analysis report, many of these attacks are carried out by hacktivist organizations like Killnet, NoName057(16), Team Insane PK, Mysterious Team, Passion Group, and Anonymous Sudan. These organizations use new, sophisticated botnets and tools to carry out cyberterrorism and agenda-driven attacks across the globe.

Hacktivists claimed to have launched 1,800 DoS (denial-of-service) assaults in under two months, from February 18 to April 18, 2023, over 80 Telegram channels. Due to their clever behavior and high RPS (Requests Per Second), these assaults can be undetected until they are decrypted by using the guise of legitimate traffic.

Previously successful network-based DDoS prevention and Web Application Firewall (WAF) solutions are no longer able to defend against the new class of HTTP DDoS Tsunami Attacks. The new form of HTTP DDoS flood assaults' high RPS rates are one of the difficulties they present. Attackers can send out a huge volume of requests per second, crashing web servers, load balancers, and WAFs as a result of being overloaded.

Rate restriction is a common method used by WAF and DDoS protection systems to prevent assaults, however it can be costly and useless when defending against new kinds of HTTP/S DDoS flood attacks. Although these solutions rely on pre-defined signatures, they are made to avoid detection by signature-based approaches. As the assault changes to unidentified HTTP requests, security teams must evaluate attack traffic to generate new rules that might not be applicable. Recent campaigns have seen assaults using HTTPS Get, Push, Post, behind proxies, and dynamic IP addresses that all seemed to be valid queries.

Web DDoS Tsunami assaults are being decreased in real-time because to Radware's development of unique algorithms to detect and create new signatures for unknown malicious requests. This solution safeguards against multiple Level 7 DDoS attacks by reliably differentiating between legitimate traffic spikes and malicious attack traffic. The cybersecurity experts at Radware can provide you additional details about their top defense against disruptive online DDoS assaults.